The King’s (The Cathedral) School is a partnership between students, staff, parents and Governors who seek to create within the School and the community an educational environment in which the strengths and potential of all are realised; the needs of the individuals are respected and high expectations are achieved.
We seek:
- To recognise and value the contribution of every member of the school community;
- To maintain the tradition of achievement and academic excellence to the best of each individual’s ability;
- To foster a community in which good mutual communications are promoted and in which, through pastoral care, all students achieve self-esteem and an appreciation of others, with a sense of responsibility for their environment;
- To provide a broad range of extra-curricular activities that give opportunities for all to develop individual interests and skills;
- To encourage a happy, well-motivated staff to work effectively and successfully through good leadership, efficient structures and provision of resources.
The basis for these values is the Christian ethos of the School:
‘many members, but one body, as it is with Christ’ (1 Corinthians 12.12)