In the Autumn Term of Year 12 for each subject you receive 2 predictions for each A-Level subject: one is based on your average GCSE performance and the other on your CAT 4 test. Predictions are calculated by looking at the actual performance of all students nationally that studied the same A-Level subject and that demonstrated similar ability in their KS4 exams as well as in their CAT4 tests. The School determines your Flight Path to be the higher of these two grades.
Both your LfL teacher and your Form Tutor will monitor your progress throughout the A-Level course and advise and consult with you regarding setting reasonable, aspirational targets. Your targets should help guide you towards an appropriate Post-18 course or career.
CAT4 tests are used to calculate the average A-Level Point scores achieved and the most common A-Level Grades. Although these are referred to as the CAT4 predictions, they should really be seen as the average performance by similar students in past exams. This is because although these are the most common grades achieved, other grades are also achieved but with lower frequencies. For this reason, you are also provided with Chances graphs for each subject. Each of the bars on the Chances graphs represents the percentage of students who achieved each A-Level grade for a particular subject having started the course with a similar average CAT4 test score to you.
In the example above, the table shows the most likely grades that similar students will achieve (modal grade) and the grades students could achieve if they are ‘challenged’ if they perform in line with higher achieving students nationally. In this example, the student is most likely to achieve a B grade in Business Studies, but if they perform particularly well, they could aim for a grade A.
Your main thoughts on reviewing this data should be to consider the chance of achieving grades higher than the most common (modal) grade, and to consider what you need to do to perform like one of those students. You should also reflect that some students, who might not have approached their A-Level studies in the most optimum way, achieved A-Level grades below the modal grade; you should certainly want to avoid being in that category.
You should consider this data alongside your GCSE-based predictions and, in consultation with your LfL teacher, decide upon a sensible, aspirational yet realistic Target Grade. If the probability of you getting a higher grade is of a reasonable size, then you may wish to consider increasing your target. You will be able to record your own personal target in our Unifrog platform and you will review your target as you receive feedback throughout the course.