The King's (The Cathedral) School


The level of support offered varies from student to student and their needs at a particular time.  The first step for all our students is high quality teaching, differentiated and scaffolded where necessary.

If a student is identified as having SEN (Special Educational Needs) there will be a clear analysis of their needs, which will be communicated in the form of a pupil passport and detailed learning plan.  These will then be shared with parents and students each term.  These passports act as a guideline for staff, concerning the teaching and learning needs of pupils and carefully map each student’s individual barriers to learning, the strategies to be implemented to overcome them, and perhaps most importantly, feature the student’s own personal response and contribution to their ongoing support.

Support and intervention will then be matched to the students’ needs and reviewed regularly to ensure it is most efficient and effective.  This ‘SEN Support’ may be delivered with the additional assistance of outside agencies if required.  We have a ‘provision map’ that is a tool to help us identify the interventions being employed by staff across the school (for example, additional Maths and English sessions) and a range of assessments to evaluate and track pupil progress following Assess-Plan-Do-Review cycles.  The map allows us to monitor the overall effectiveness of interventions and thereby directly inform planning for ongoing support.

Where the child or young person has not made expected progress, despite the School having taken relevant and purposeful action to identify, assess and meet the special educational needs of the child or young person, we will consider requesting an Education, Health and Care needs assessment.

Children in Care fall within the remit of the Learning Support Department and any special educational needs are dealt with as part of our ongoing support for children in care.

Support We Offer for Pupils’ Wellbeing

Your child will be placed in a tutor group and your child’s tutor will oversee the well-being of your child on a day-to-day basis.

  • The King’s School has a member of staff who operates ‘Pupil Reception’; students can attend this area for medical assistance and advice, including the administration of medicines as authorised and directed by parents / carers.
  • Mentoring programmes
  • Pastoral Prefects (Year 12/13 pupils)
  • Lunchtime clubs
  • Prayer Room
  • School Chaplain and associated group
  • Assemblies
  • Gym
  • Liaison with outside agencies
  • Extra-Curricular Activities
  • Pupil Support Officers (PSOs)
  • Virtual School for Looked After Children

The School runs an active School Council, to which students are invited to express their views.  This group of elected young people meets regularly and communicates views / concerns of students across the School back to senior members of staff.

Throughout the school we have a number of staff members who are qualified mental health first aiders.