The 2023 Guide to becoming a Leader at King's is available here
This is the list of Prefect opportunities available at Kings, with descriptions of the roles.
The Head Students
Qualities Needed:
- Good Public Relation abilities
- Presentable - uniform, hair
- Able to speak in public
- Good organisational skills
- Fully involved in the life of the School
- Able to act as a liaison between staff and pupils
- Able to cope under pressure and with academic demands
- Able and willing to attend school functions
- Respected by staff and peers; able to sustain a good working relationship with both
- Approachable by every member of the School, particularly Years 3- 7.
- An ambassador for the school on ALL public occasions
- Attendance at school functions; this may include evenings/weekends. Meeting and greeting at Open Evenings
- Responsible for organising some Sixth Form assemblies and Sixth Form input into School Assemblies
- Meet with the Sixth Form Team and Senior Staff, as required
- Attendance at Primary Liaison Day, Sixth Form Induction Course and School Open Evenings
- Organise Sixth Form contribution to Charities Week and Sixth Form Social Functions
- Undertake those duties which the Headteacher deems reasonable to request.
The House Captains
Qualities Needed:
- Good listener
- Patient with people
- Well organised
- Supportive
- Able to offer time to activities (after school etc.)
- Good communication
- Responsible
- Sensible
- Commitment
- Enthusiasm
- Outgoing
- Dedication and Perseverance
- Sense of humour!
Being a House Captain is very enjoyable and rewarding. The position offers you an insight into working with both pupils and staff in a competitive but enthusiastic manner. A high level of commitment is required as the role takes up a lot of free time for events (especially in the first half-term). The events range from House Music to Sports Day, with others taking place throughout the school year. Communication is very important - especially between House Staff and House Representatives.
There is a great deal of competition between the Houses, with the lower years all being eager to be victors in their own events. Years 3-10 show great enthusiasm and excitement towards House events. However, Years 11-12 do not always share the same enthusiasm, so organising teams (e.g. Hockey and Rugby) can be a very frustrating task!
With all this in mind, it is a task that keeps you fully occupied and presents a real sense of achievement to everyone involved.
Along with other Senior Prefects you will be called upon to undertake other whole-school duties, like meeting and greeting on Open Evenings.
The Senior Prefects
This role of Senior Prefect is an important role in which the leadership requirements are enhanced. You will be expected to be committed to all aspects of the role and be willing to teach the tutor-group once a week. It is a great opportunity for you to take a lead role within the teaching and learning, and leadership of the School, take on a number of leadership duties as follows:
Duty Team Leader
- To work closely with the SLT Duty Team Leader for the day, and duty staff to lead, manage and co-ordinate a team of Duty Prefects, one break-time per week
- To help oversee and ensure a sensible and safe environment in the Dining Room and around school during that break.
Pastoral Prefect Leader at Key Stage 2 or 3, and, for Key Stage 3 Senior Prefects, the Learning to Learn Co-ordinator in ONE Key Stage 3 tutor-group
- To take a leading role in the development and delivery of the Learning to Learn (L2L) programme during KS3 tutor-group session each week.
- To take part in an initial training session for the role in the Summer Term June, to prepare resources and gain the skills required to help deliver the Learning to Learn (L2L) programme.
- To meet with Mrs Amps every Monday lunch (25 mins) to prepare for the L2L session.
- To lead a 20-minute L2L session per week for your tutor-group – you and your other pastoral prefect will be the teachers, with ownership of the session!
- To communicate and collaborate with any pastoral prefect assigned to your tutor-group, to enable co-delivery of the weekly lesson
- To take responsibility for the resources and activities each week.
- To communicate information to students, the form tutor and pastoral prefects to ensure that the L2L programme is delivered effectively.
To assist the Form Tutor actively in tutor-time, by
- Helping with administrative tasks, like checking planners.
- Exercising special vigilance over pupils in respect of attitude, appearance, behaviour and general well-being.
- Getting to know the pupils by name as soon as possible, and to talk to them about school.
- In the absence of a member of staff, at registration, noting down the names of those absent and informing Pupil Reception as soon as possible.
- Helping draw up the form assembly rota at the beginning of term and checking and supervising the preparation and rehearsal of form assemblies.
- Helping supervise the form when they are on chair duty in the Hall.
- Supervising the form (together with the Form Tutor) on walking to the Cathedral, and at other events such as Speech Day and Sports Day.
- Playing an active leadership role in all form activities e.g. Charity Fund raising, Year events etc.
- Demonstrating pastoral concern for individuals by informing the Form Tutor of particular problems which might come to their notice and by helping individuals with their work when there are problems e.g. catching up after absence.
- Attending a meeting before they begin their pastoral duties, when child protection procedures will be explained to them.
- Exercising an active pastoral role around school to lift the general standard of pupil behaviour.
- Informing the tutor if for any reason a duty is unable to be fulfilled (e.g. escorting to the Cathedral). A substitute should then be found.
To undertake Leadership roles on public occasions such as:
- Cathedral Services
- Speech Day
- Open Evenings
All Prefects are Duty Prefects
To form part of a Prefect team to be on duty around school one break-time a week, and to cover a variety of duty teams:
- At Break Time around the school, in the Dining Room, and other designated areas, working in partnership with a duty member of staff
- On any other special occasions as requested by the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher or Duty Team Leader (staff or prefect).
- To help, when required, with the supervision of the Lower and Middle School pupils when walking to and from the Cathedral.
- To keep an eye on general behaviour around school, fostering good relationships, calling attention to unacceptable behaviour and, if necessary, passing on any difficulties to a member of staff.
- To be present for the end-of-term clear-up at the end of every term.
- Duty Team Prefects may also be asked to take responsibility for an area of the school, or a specific classroom.
Art Prefects
Art Department prefects are students who have a strong interest in Art and Design and may intend to continue this interest at degree level. Art Department prefects are expected to spend much of their time out of lessons in the Art department, showing independent initiative and enthusiasm. A high level of commitment and time is expected, so Art Department prefects probably should not take on any other 'specialist' prefect roles.
There will be 5 Art prefects, who will take on general responsibilities. Each will also take on an independent role, such as KS3 exhibitions, lesson support, or leading an extra-curricular activity. Mrs Taylor will be responsible for allocating roles and delegating tasks.
Generic Responsibilities:
- To be available to attend Open Evenings and events supporting the Art Department.
- Help with the preparation, organisation and supervision of exhibitions.
- Be in attendance one lunchtime per week to supervise the Art rooms and Lower School pupils, where necessary.
- Support Key Stage 3 and 4 pupils during one or two free periods per week, where timetable permits.
- Offer your own ideas and initiatives about how to develop the post and best contribute to the smooth running of the department.
- Be willing (subject to permission) to accompany Lower and Middle School visits.
- To plan and take a workshop once per term, as part of workshops for Art and Design for Lower and Middle School pupils, on evenings until 5.30 pm (day to be confirmed). A creative aptitude and specialist skill are essential.
Individual Responsibilities:
- Liaise with staff to update ‘Artist of the Week’ for the daily bulletin-board.
- Ensure photographic equipment is maintained, formatting cards and charging batteries weekly.
- Keep notice-boards and displays up-to-date.
- Monitor Art studios 60 and 61 to maintain stock/resources and ensure that equipment is kept in order.
- Monitor Art studios 53 and 62 to maintain stock/resources and ensure that equipment is kept in order.
Biology Prefects
Biology prefects are people who enjoy, and have a keen interest in, Biology, and are thinking about studying a Biological Science at degree level.
- Biology prefects will be expected to:
- Help at Open Evenings
- Run events for younger students, particularly during Science Week
- Contribute ideas
- Help with displays
- Promote Biology throughout the School
- Support KS3/KS4 students in and out lessons
- Expected to help out at Year 12 Biology help club.
Depending on individual interests and strengths, there may also be opportunities to:
- Organise competitions
- Help organise visits
- Develop ICT resources
- Start a Biology Club
- Come up with your own ideas for prefect roles.
Required Skills
- Enthusiasm
- Initiative
- Organisation
- Good communication skills
Business & Economics Prefects
The Economics and Business Prefects have a significant role to play within the department, and we are happy that, in taking on these responsibilities, students take the opportunity to pursue their own studies and personal interests.
Set out below is a list of responsibilities from which we anticipate specific duties will be allocated. We welcome any ideas from the students about how these prefect roles could be enhanced.
- Go through economics and business blogs, websites, online resources, recent newspaper and magazine articles, and select those, which can be used to support lessons, or be made available to students as background reading.
- Help in the design and creation of departmental displays.
- Help in cataloguing departmental resources e.g. articles, video clips etc.
- Help in creating departmental resources e.g. definition cards and activities.
- Provide learning support for Year 10 and 11 pupils.
- Develop ideas for new strategies for promoting teaching and learning within the department
- Any other general assistance, as required.
- Four prefects are required for each of Business and Economics.
Chemistry Prefects
The Chemistry department utilises its prefects to further Science and Chemistry in the school. These positions have lots of scope for individual enterprise but it is hoped the successful candidates will help with the various activities such as:
- Helping with younger pupils, which might include mentoring Year 11 students.
- Helping with lunchtime clubs, Open Evenings and Science Week.
- Planning and writing material for noticeboards.
- Working with other science prefects.
- Developing and promoting Careers resources working with Miss Henson.
- Helping promote Chemistry within the school.
- Using your initiative.
- In-class support, e.g. helping in Chemistry lessons.
An interest and enthusiasm for science, and an ability to work as part of a team and on your own initiative.
Classics Prefects
In Classics, one or two prefects help promote the subject and encourage students in lower years.
Responsibilities include:
- Helping with New Intake, Post 14 and Post 16 Open Evenings
- Setting up a Year 7 and 8 Classics Club (liaising with Classics teachers)
- Displays inside and outside rooms 154 and 155, after liaison with Classics teachers
- Helping with Key Stage 3 Latin, if and when appropriate
- Helping to catalogue resources
- Skills required:
- Enthusiasm for, and enjoyment of, Classics, and an ability to convey this to parents and pupils.
Computer Science Prefects
Computer Science prefects are students who have a keen interest the subject and are thinking about studying it at degree level.
Responsibilities include:
- Help at New Intake, Post 14 and Post 16 Open Evenings
- To organise and run a weekly KS3 code club (an hour a week)
- Promote Computer Science throughout the School
- Support KS3 students in lessons (if time permits)
- Mentoring KS4 Computer Science students
- To organise and run a weekly KS4 code club (an hour a week)
Design & Technology Prefects
Design and Technology prefects are students who have a strong interest in Design and Technology, and may intend to continue this interest at degree-level. They are expected to spend much of their time out of lessons in the department, showing independent initiative and enthusiasm. A high level of commitment and time is expected, so Design and Technology prefects probably should not take on any other ‘specialist’ prefect roles.
- To support the Design and Technology teaching/technician/admin staff in the daily running of the department.
- To encourage all students to take a pride in the appearance of all Technology rooms.
- To be available on Open Evenings and events supporting the Design and Technology department.
- To be in attendance one lunchtime per week to supervise the workshops and support KS3 students, where necessary.
- To support KS3 and 4 pupils during one or two PS periods per week, where timetable permits.
- To help with making set, props and costumes etc for Drama productions, when requested.
- To offer their own ideas and initiatives about how to develop the role and best contribute to the smooth running of the department.
- To be willing, subject to permission, to accompany KS3 and 4 visits.
- To support the Department as appropriate, create displays etc.
There are 5 roles for Design and Technology prefects: 3 for Product Design prefects and 2 for Textiles prefects.
Food Prefect
This is a prefect who has an interest in cooking and using seasonal ingredients. With the growing concern for the environment and carbon footprint we are working towards greater awareness of seasonal and local produce. The kitchen garden is becoming established growing a range of soft fruit and vegetables. The prefect has the opportunity to take an active role in running the Kitchen Garden Club where students tend the garden and then use the produce to cook a range of dishes. This is also an opportunity of working with KS3 students in the club as well as supporting lessons. The prefect would also be able to support KS2 and KS3 lessons during practical cooking lessons depending on timetable commitments.
- To support pupils in KS3 lessons (1 or 2 per fortnight) in agreement with the teacher.
- To take an active role in the Kitchen Garden Club where students grow ingredients and cook with them.
- To support at Open Evenings.
- To support the smooth running of the Food Room.
- To put up displays.
Drama / Theatre Studies Prefects
Drama prefects are students who have a strong interest in Drama and Theatre Studies and may intend to continue this interest at degree level. Drama prefects are expected to spend much of their time out of lessons and many evenings (during shows) in the department, contributing to the staging of productions. A high level of commitment is expected, so Drama prefects probably should not take on any other 'specialist' prefect roles. In addition to the general responsibilities outlined below, prefects are required to fulfil the following roles.
DANCE PREFECTS (for suitably experienced students)
- To organise and run a Dance Club for Lower School students.
- To assist with choreography in school productions.
TECHNICAL PREFECTS (for suitably experienced students)
- To maintain and update current lighting and sound equipment.
- To train Middle and Lower School students once weekly in their expertise.
- To design and execute lighting and sound plots for school productions.
- To organise and lead Lower School Drama Club activities.
- To direct a Lower School Drama Club production.
- To create posters for Drama productions.
- To organise displays in conjunction with other prefects.
- To use the digital camera to record the work of the department.
- To produce materials for inclusion on the school website.
- The following responsibilities are expected of all Drama Prefects:
- To be available to attend Open Evenings and events supporting the Drama department.
- To provide publicity materials for Drama display boards to promote activities for which you have responsibility (usually passed to Publicity Prefect).
- To support Lower and Middle School students in lessons.
- To offer your own ideas and initiatives about how to develop the prefect role and contribute to the department.
- To be willing (subject to permission) to accompany Lower and Middle School theatre visits.
- To make a significant contribution to school productions.
- To maintain and update 'ragged' displays.
- To keep the props and costumes cupboards well-organised and tidy.
- To meet with the Head of Department as required.
English Prefects
English Department prefects are students with a passion for language and literature. They will actively seek to offer students new opportunities and will be proactive in publicising their work and the achievements of all at The King’s School.
English Department prefects are expected to be highly organised and punctual. They are required to be flexible, in order to meet sometimes quite tight deadlines and to attend a weekly briefing. With this in mind, prefects should probably not take on any other subject area roles.
Publicity and Competitions/Creative Writing Group
Responsibilities include:
- Promoting and celebrating the work of KSP students.
- Producing materials for inclusion on the school website/social media.
- Publicising opportunities and competitions on the daily bulletin, prefect board, in assemblies and via email.
- Organising practise/knockout rounds and accompanying teams (subject to permission) to English-related competitions.
Reading Promotion/Support
Responsibilities include:
- Promoting reading for pleasure across the school. This could be to enjoy general texts or to shadow larger book awards such as the Carnegie Medal.
- Liaising with Mrs Wildman with regard to awards shadowing.
- Supporting the existing KS5 Literature group.
The following duties are expected of all prefects:
- Attendance at Open Evenings to support the English department.
- To maintain and update displays.
- To attend weekly briefings.
- To support KS4 students in the KS4 clinic, as directed.
- To liaise with members of the English Department.
Geography Prefects
- Mentoring students who struggle or want to be challenged more, this could be all years.
- To develop challenging material for students of all ages and abilities
- Attend super-curricular geography events whenever possible
- Assist at open evenings
- Assist on field work activities where possible
- Support geography learning across the school.
History Prefects
To be a History Prefect you should be committed, creative, organised and enthusiastic about the subject, with a can-do attitude to helping out.
- Take part/run the History Homework Club or Military History Club
- Mentoring students who struggle or want to be challenged more
- Contribute new ideas for the Department
- Help with display material in classrooms and corridor
- Researching and cataloguing useful articles from Periodicals for KS4 and KS5 topics
- Assisting at various Open Evenings
- Writing articles for History related publications
Junior Department Prefects
JD prefects support children in Years 3 to 6, becoming role-models who, as such, have a very important part to play in promoting our high standards of behaviour.
Prefects are expected to commit to a regular time at JD on a weekly basis, to be arranged in consultation with Mr Ludford, the Head of JD.
- The role will be varied and can include:
- Reading support
- Support within the classroom
- Preparation of resources
- Preparing and creating displays
- Leading assemblies
- Attendance at school functions; including evenings such as the New Intake Evening and the JD Christmas production.
There may also be opportunities to accompany JD on school trips throughout the year.
Qualities needed:
- Positive role-model
- Commitment and reliability
- Approachability and patience
- Flexibility and adaptability
- Ability to use your own initiative.
Learning for Life Prefect
This role is specialised for students who enjoy Learning for Life. Students may consider studying Social Sciences, Law and Politics at University.
- Organisation
- Enthusiasm
- Initiative
- To assist in Open Evenings
- To maintain and update display boards
- To support in assemblies
- To organise exciting events for KS3, 4 and 5
- To publicise events
- To create resources
- To manage Student Voice under the guidance of the Head of Department
Mathematics Prefects
- To support, where possible, students in their study of mathematics.
- To attend New Intake Evening and new Year 12 Induction Course, where possible.
- To develop any interests or strengths in consultation with the Head of Department.
- To develop challenging material for students of all ages and abilities - particularly for UK Team Challenges and Summer Schools.
- To contribute to the development of materials, and the organisation of the Primary Schools' Team Challenge.
- To organise and run a weekly ‘Help’ Club for KS3/KS4 and KS5.
Modern Languages Prefects
The Modern Languages Department appoints 4 prefects, who between them are studying French and German at A-Level. Language prefects will be responsible to the Head of Department.
- To represent the department on school Open Evenings and briefings and to support the departmental staff in the various activities held on such occasions.
- To support staff in their preparation for Languages Evenings
- To chair ‘Student Voice’ groups for a particular year-group.
- To support MFL teachers in the classroom during a designated single period per cycle
- To make suggestions about improvements to the department's Sixth Form courses in languages.
- To organise a multicultural event during the year
- To support with the delivery of the Language Leaders program with year 9
- To help with displays in the corridors as required.
- To act as Mentors to MFL pupils in need of extra support.
Music Prefects
Prefects are involved generally in the activities of the Department. There are four prefects required.
Specific duties will be negotiated with the individual Prefects but may include:
- Occasionally taking rehearsals in the main activities, in the absence of staff.
- The organisation and rehearsal of small group work, possibly with younger students, or in connection with music required for specific occasions. Students could be involved in setting up new chamber music groups. Others could be involved with the JD instrumentalists.
- Giving up one PS period each week to assist staff in the organisation of the Department. This might include the sorting of music, checking of equipment, dealing with post and phone calls, and liaison with Peripatetic teachers. ICT skills would be useful in the preparation of posters for concerts etc.
Physical Education Prefects
Responsibilities include:
- Helping with lessons and practices.
- Collating results and preparing match reports.
- Use of a digital camera, and editing photographs.
- Preparing displays.
- Assisting at Sports Day.
- Updating the PE website.
Physics Prefects
The Physics prefects are students who enjoy and/or have an interest in the subject, possibly looking to study it or a related subject in the future. The responsibilities are varied and are tailored to the individual's strengths with the possibility to include responsibilities not listed below. Physics prefects are ambassadors for the subject, showing enthusiasm and utilising good communication skills to promote the importance of Physics. Responsibilities may include, but are not limited to:
- Assisting Physics staff at the New Parents' and Post-16 Open Evenings with practicals and talking to prospective students.
- Provide support for Year 10 & 11 for mentoring or organised support sessions.
- Providing support in some lessons.
- Planning and updating Physics notice boards including preparing a board on Physics in the News.
- Working with other science prefects.
- Contribute ideas and using your initiative.
- Promote Physics within the school.
Psychology Prefects
Psychology prefects are people who enjoy Psychology, and are willing to be ambassadors for this subject within the School. They may be considering studying Psychology at University or a subject that involves some psychology, behavioural or neuroscience.
Psychology prefects will be expected to:
- Help at Open Evenings
- Contribute ideas
- Promote Psychology throughout the School
Depending on individual interests and strengths, there may also be opportunities to:
- Support other AS/A2 students
- Develop resources to help AS/A2 students
- Start a Psychology Club
- Come up with your own ideas for prefect roles
Required Skills
- Enthusiasm
- Initiative
- Organisation
- Good communication skills
Religious Studies Prefects
To be a Prefect for Religious Studies, students should be committed and enthusiastic about the subject. They should have a good understanding and appreciation of the role and importance of it, both in the school curriculum and in society as a whole, sharing their interest in the subject with others and ‘flying the flag’ for RS at school functions and on a daily basis. We require four prefects.
Qualities Required:
- Initiative
- Creative flair
- A winning way with younger students
- A sense of humour
- Assist with putting up displays. You should be able to help with the display of students’ work and be able to do so in a creative way.
- Help organise and be present at Open Evenings.
- Assist teachers to work on special projects as they arise.
- Supporting Year 12 students in their studies and revision.
- To help out with some KS3 and KS4 lessons where appropriate.
- To assist with the running of extra-curricular activities.
CanSat Prefect
The CanSat prefects are students who have participated in the CanSat Competition UK, as a Year 12 student. CanSat prefects are mentors to the new intake of participants, sharing the wisdom and experience that they have built through their own CanSat journey. They will also be ambassadors for the competition and wider STEM projects across the school, showing enthusiasm and utilising good communication skills to promote both the competition and a culture of STEM within King's.
Responsibilities may include, but are not limited to:
- support for the Year 12 new intake of CanSat participants, by offering
- mentoring or organised support sessions.
support for staff by contributing ideas on how the programme could be further developed within school
- staff within the STEM departments at the New Parents' and Post-16 Open Evenings, talking to prospective students about the opportunity.
- Working with other prefects in the STEM subject roles
- Promoting STEM projects within the school.
Careers & Progression Prefects
The Careers & Progression Prefects are students who enjoy interacting with all sorts of people and are willing to be ambassadors for this area of school life. This position has lots of scope for individual flair and enterprise, but activities include:
- Regularly updating Careers noticeboards in the Common Room and around the school.
- Developing Careers-related societies/groups
- Meeting and greeting visitors for Careers talks in school, Futures Days, Careers Fairs, etc
- Supporting the Careers Adviser with small group careers meetings in various year groups
- Publicising Careers, Post 16 and Post 18 events in school across all year groups
- Contributing ideas and suggestions
- Meeting regularly with Careers Adviser
Chaplaincy Prefects
- To be someone of faith or sympathetic to faith. If you are of a particular faith, it is important that you are open to listening and learning about other faiths.
- Some of the role involves specifically Christian activities, so at least 1 prefect should be a Christian.
- Have a creative flair and organisational skills to make creative ideas happen.
- Be reasonably articulate about faith and spirituality.
To contribute and develop ideas about the School’s Collective Worship by
- Thinking about topics for Assemblies and Cathedral Services
- Being willing and open to discuss faith and contemporary issues, relevant to students
- Actively seeking feedback from your fellow students about faith matters in Kings.
- Participating either in public or backstage roles in Cathedral Services, in ways that suit your talents and preferences
- Involving other students in services and assemblies where appropriate
To contribute to the Chaplaincy team:
- You will be available to come to chaplaincy team meetings, held at lunchtimes about 6 times a term.
- Your contribution will be based on feedback you actively seek from your fellow students concerning faith matters in Kings.
- As part of the chaplaincy team, you may want to help lead a whole school assembly or part of a Cathedral service.
To help at the Cathedral by:
- Being available on the morning of Cathedral services, arriving promptly to set up and help.
- Liaising staff to guide and direct students, staff and parents to seats
- Helping to clear up after services
- Being available to take part in the service in roles suited to your talents and preferences.
(There are other Cathedral events during the year where you can steward. This is optional but at some events the King’s School is particularly invited e.g. Remembrance Sunday.)
Charities Prefects
Responsibilities include:
- Forming a Committee, together with members of staff, to plan the year’s charity activities.
- Organising charity events in a variety of ways e.g. advertising, selling tickets, supervising activities.
Qualities Needed:
Prefects should be committed to charity fund-raising, be ready to show initiative and take responsibility for an agreed area of the work. Reliability and organisational skills are very important; in particular there are evening events as well as events in school that you are expected to attend. Please be aware that there is a significant amount of work carried out in the run-up to Charities Week, which takes place in the penultimate week of the Spring term. There are also events throughout the year, and you are expected to attend lunchtime meetings once a week/fortnight.
Development Prefect
This is a new and exciting role, supporting the Head of Development. There is one prefect, ideally possessing strong organisational skills. The prefect needs to be able to think 'outside the box' and demonstrate initiative and enthusiasm.
The Development Prefect will:
- Research to trace Old Petriburgians' using social media and other resources
- Help with creation of a new Development Database
- Input Data onto the new database
- Assist with the implementation of a new Social Media policy at King’s
- Assist with maintaining and monitoring the King’s social media feeds, such as Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
- Assist at any events organised by the Head of Development (such as a business breakfast)
- Get the opportunity to meet key members of the local business community – ideal networking opportunity
- Assist with forming links between pupils and the Head of Development (potentially looking to set up a monthly session during which pupils get input into ways in which the Development Department could grow and develop)
Key Stage 3 Science Prefects
Two prefects are required to:
- Assist with running a KS3 Science Club during lunchtimes.
- Assist with running activities for the School open evening.
- Keep display boards relating to KS3 science up to date within the science department.
- Write articles for the Petriburgian relating to KS3 Science Club.
Learning Mentor Prefects
The Learning Mentors prefects support students in Years 7 to 11. They become role-models and as such have a very important part to play in promoting a positive attitude to school and learning, helping to create a relaxed and fun atmosphere in which to learn.
Prefects are expected to commit to a regular time, on a weekly basis, to be arranged in consultation with the relevant staff.
The role will be varied and can include:
- Supporting reading, spelling, maths and homework.
- Preparing resources.
- Preparing and creating displays.
- Supporting the Learning Mentor with administration tasks.
Qualities needed:
- Positive role-model.
- Commitment and reliability.
- Approachability and patience.
- Flexibility and adaptability.
- Ability to use your own initiative.
Learning Support Prefects
This post suits students interested in the teaching, social work, medical professions, or an interest in Psychology. Prefects work with students in all year groups but particularly lower school. Prefects should be available at least once a week and liaise regularly with members of staff.
Responsibilities may include:
- Reading support
- Spelling support
- Maths support
- Homework club
- Running activities to support social skills
- Mentoring students
- Helping to make the learning environment attractive
- Preparing displays to aid learning
- Helping students with revision
- Encouraging students to attend interventions
Library Resource Centre Prefects
The LRC requires two well-organised students with an interest in books, information, and ICT. On agreed days each week, the students help in the Library Resource Centre for approximately 40 minutes during lunchtime plus two 35-minute periods, and undertake the following duties:
School Library
- Library enquiry and research work – utilising print and online resources
- Contribute articles and ideas to the LRC newsletter and website
- Assist with LRC promotional activities: book clubs, author visits, book fairs, assemblies etc.
- Issue, return books and ICT Equipment using the library management system: Oliver
- Shelve books and tidy shelves
- Liaise with other departmental prefects in updating notice boards around school with library information
- Any other help which may be needed
- Update and tidy displays and noticeboards
- File pamphlet material and journals.
- To be prepared to be in charge of the LRC during break time or a short period of lunchtime in the absence of the LRC staff. This will probably only be necessary two or three times a term. The prefects will need to be confident in ensuring that the LRC remains a pleasant place for all students and staff to use. Full training will be given.
Pastoral Prefects
To assist in the delivery of the Learning to Learn (L2L) programme in the tutor-group session each week
- To meet Mrs Amps and Senior Prefects every Monday lunch (25 mins) to prepare for the L2L session.
- To co-deliver, with a Senior Prefect, a 20-minute L2L Learning to Learn session each week.
- To meet with your Senior Prefect to prepare resources and plan the delivery of L2L.
- To be responsible for the update of the L2L board in the tutor-base.
To assist the Form Tutor actively in tutor-time
- Administrative tasks, like checking planners
- By exercising a special vigilance over pupils in respect of attitude, appearance, behaviour and general well-being.
- By getting to know the pupils by name as soon as possible, and to talk to them about school.
- In the absence of a member of staff, at registration, note down the names of those absent and inform Pupil Reception as soon as possible.
- To help draw up the form assembly rota at the beginning of term and to check and supervise the preparation and rehearsal of form assemblies.
- To help supervise the form when they are on chair duty in the Hall.
- To supervise the form (with the Form Tutor) walking to the Cathedral and Sports Day.
- To play an active leadership role in all form activities e.g. Charity Fund raising, Year events etc.
- To demonstrate pastoral concern for individuals by informing the Form Tutor of particular problems which might come to their notice and by helping individuals with their work when there are problems e.g. catching up after absence.
- To attend a meeting before they begin their pastoral duties, when child protection procedures will be explained to them.
- To exercise an active pastoral role around school to lift the general standard of pupil behaviour.
- To inform the tutor if for any reason a duty is unable to be fulfilled (e.g. escorting to the Cathedral). A substitute should then be found.
- To take a key role in the Learning to Learn (L2L) programme, working with a Senior Prefect, to lead the tutor-group session each week.
- To help develop resources and activities linked to the L2L programme.
Form Tutors may be asked to comment on Pastoral Prefects' performance from time to time. The information gleaned may be of value in building up a profile for entry to Higher Education or the world of work. Particularly important characteristics are reliability, enthusiasm and personal initiative.
Pastoral Prefect - KS3 Year Leader
- To co-ordinate the L2L programme for a specific Year-Group, either Year 7, 8 or 9. You will NOT have responsibility for a specific tutor-group.
- To stand in for an absent Pastoral Prefect in the delivery of the weekly L2L session.
- To assist with the preparation and distribution of L2L resources each week, for your year-group.
- To visit and register all your year-group Pastoral Prefects during the Tuesday morning L2L session.
- To update the L2L noticeboards with current L2L work produced in the weekly sessions.
- To help complete surveys and audits to assess the progress of the L2L programme.
All Year 7 Pastoral Prefects need to be available to help with the Induction Day in July, and the two Parents’ Presentation Evenings associated with Year 7.
Sailing Club Prefect
In school
- Promote and develop Youth Sailing at King’s
- Help organise fund-raising events
- Work with the Race Officer to record and publish race results
- Act as a link with pupils to convey information about regattas, the Cambridgeshire Sailing Team etc
- Liaison with Sailing Club Staff
At club sessions
- Be available to instruct beginners and improvers (qualifications not necessary, see below)
- Inspect boats regularly and report on defects/repairs needed
- Help to supervise boat storage and packing away (in and out of season)
- The job description is negotiable in line with individual strengths. A general requirement is a willingness to put the needs of club members above one's own. Many Sailing Club Prefects are RYA Instructors or Assistant Instructors. There will be opportunities for sailors to become RYA Instructors.
- The precise duties can be adapted to suit the skills of the appointed prefect.
Sixth Form Environment Prefects
- To be responsible for the updating of displays in the common room and workrooms
- To undergo training in the use of the IT and Presentation equipment in the Common Room.
- To support staff in creating display work for the common room and workrooms
- To be involved in a really exciting time of change and improvement to the sixth form environment!
- Other duties as agreed with Mrs Willis
STEM Club Prefects
Two prefects are required to:
- Assist in running lunchtime clubs where students (usually from Years 7-9) work on projects – potentially going to competition days with the team too. Previous competitions have included building a working model fire engine.
- Assist with running activities for the school open evening.
- Keep display boards relating to STEM up to date within the Science department.
- Write articles for the Petriburgian relating to STEM Club.
Tycoon in Schools Prefect
This post is held by a student who has been involved in Tycoon in Schools in Years 10 and 12.
- Line manage the Year 10 Tycoon in Schools Leader.
- Attend Tycoon meetings on a regular basis (perhaps twice a month).
- Advise and support Year 12 Tycoon teams in meeting Tycoon regulations.
- Liaise with other school departments to create mutually beneficial links.
- Assist Tycoon teams with to advertise and promote the Tycoon in Schools businesses/products, including: working with the sites team to offer stalls for selling products, and working with the library to place advertising on the school bulletin boards.
- Help the Link Teacher to gather information from Tycoon teams including sales figures, and evaluation reports.