As a Church of England Academy and the Cathedral School, The King’s (The Cathedral) School offers many opportunities for students and staff to pray, reflect and worship in School.
Collective Worship
Each school day begins with a collective act of worship (assembly) based on the theme of the week. These assemblies are co-ordinated to include opportunities for worship as the whole school, year groups, houses and form groups as the week progresses.
In addition to the daily act of worship (assembly) other opportunities for prayer, Christian teaching and friendship are provided in school, as follows:
Alternative Worship is held every other Friday in the Prayer Room as an alternative to Main School Assembly. There are a number of different styles of worship on offer and all are welcome. We encourage you to try something different!
Holy Communion is a short service of thanksgiving in which we welcome Jesus through the bread and wine. Members of all Christian denominations who receive in their own church are welcome to receive Holy Communion with us. We warmly invite you to come for a blessing. The Chaplain is there for advice if you are unsure what to do.
Contemporary Worship with videos, lively worship songs and young leaders from CROPS (a local Christian outreach project for young people).
Park Up brings games and friendship in partnership with CROPS on Thursday lunchtimes in Room 9.
Christian Nurture and Discipleship
Christian Union runs every Monday lunchtime, led by the Youth Mission Enabler from Peterborough Cathedral and Deanery. Students have an opportunity to explore faith in a fun, interactive and creative way.
Confirmation Classes take place during the Spring Term and are offered to Years 8 to 13. A confirmation service is held on Easter Eve at Peterborough Cathedral every year.
Prayer Room
The Prayer Room is situated in the Quad and is open throughout the school day. It is a quiet oasis of peace in the heart of our busy school and all members of the school community are welcome to use it when they need time out to think, reflect and pray.
The Parent Prayer Group is co-ordinated by the School Chaplain. If you would like to subscribe to a newsletter sharing news of faith at King's, please click on this link. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Our School Chaplain, Reverend Lex Bradley-Stowe, assists the school in providing an atmosphere that encourages personal reflection, an appreciation of the spiritual dimension of life and the living out of its Christian values. She also offers spiritual support to students, staff and parents/carers in times of loss, illness, bereavement and other personal challenges.
To contact the Chaplain or to request confidential prayers, please email
The School Prayer
Heavenly Father, source of all life and being,
Bless the work of this school, which is dedicated to your glory.
Grant to all who teach, learn or serve here the light of your trust and the strength of your love.
May we advance, day by day, in sound learning,
And in the knowledge and likeness of Him who is the Way, the Truth and the Life,
Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
Now and forever.