This camp is the home of Scouting in the UK, set in 108 acres of beautiful woodland on the edge of Epping Forest, north-east of London. The site is easily accessible from the M25, yet it still gives the feeling of being in the great outdoors. It’s a large centre and boasts excellent facilities that rival an activity centre.
Visit their website at
Pupils are divided into six activity groups, which are chosen by the staff involved. Each group works together in a number of activities, led by a qualified instructor. This enables pupils to experience activities and tasks within small and large group situations.
The activities that the students will experience may include:
- Grass Sledging
- Climbing
- Raft Building
- Jacob's Ladder
- Archery
- Cycling
Camp Facilities
A converted aircraft hangar, 'The Lid', hosts a number of indoor activities, including a climbing wall and archery.
Food is provided through the stay, except for the first day when pupils will need to bring a packed lunch.
Accommodation will be 2 nights under canvas. Pupils will be able to choose who they share their tents with. Toilet and shower facilities are provided within easy reach of the campsite.
Kit List
- Lightweight waterproof/anorak
- Trainers
- Trousers, sweaters/jumpers, shirts/T-shirts, shorts, tracksuit
- Sleeping bag, pillow, pyjamas
- Trainers (they may get wet/muddy so bring an old pair and a carrier bag)
- Towel, swimming costume
- Spare underwear/socks
- Toiletries: soap, flannel, toothbrush, toothpaste, toilet paper
- Torch
- Plastic drink container/water bottle
- Hat
- High factor sun cream (water-resistant)
Remember, it is not a Fashion Week - DO NOT BRING YOUR BEST CLOTHES!
All items must be named, and packed in a rucksack or hold-all which can be carried.