The King's (The Cathedral) School


Educational Visits Budget Planner

We thought it might be useful to parents and carers to have access to a broad overview of the main visits, which take place over the course of a ‘typical’ year in Years 7 to 13 at The King’s School, to act as a financial planner.

For clarity, this is split into three pages – one for Years 7 to 9, one for Years 10 & 11 and the other for the Sixth Form. If you roll over the title of any visit, you will see its cost. If you tick the box next to the title, that cost will be added to the total at the foot of the grid.

This overview / ready reckoner should be read with care, and comes with several caveats:

  1. The overview represents a ‘typical’ year, but does not guarantee that all the trips will run in any particular year, nor at that given cost.
  2. While staff do their very best to plan ahead, sometimes opportunities do arise at short notice e.g. theatre performances. When they arise, these will be advertised in the normal way.
  3. The prices cannot be totally accurate. As far as we can, the costs quoted are for the last occasion on which the trip ran, but without any allowance for inflation or slight changes of programme. For completely new trips, prices are approximate and should only be treated as a guide.
  4. We will update prices on an ongoing basis, as they are confirmed.
  5. Visits abroad can vary slightly after original publication due to changes in exchange rates, oil prices etc.

We will always do our utmost to get the best deal for our students, in both educational and financial terms.

We hope you will find this section of the website useful in your financial planning - please try it! I would welcome any feedback.

Mrs N Ray
Chief Finance Officer and Educational Visits Co-ordinator