The King's (The Cathedral) School




The King’s School believes that developing students to become equipped as members of society, at a local and global level, requires dedicated teaching of a thorough Personal, Social, Health and Economic curriculum.  The school has a small team of specialists delivering a Learning for Life curriculum through timetabled sessions. These lessons cover our Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) aspects.

Our intent is that students will access a Learning for Life curriculum that is carefully planned and helps our students acquire knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives now and in the future.  As part of a whole school approach, Learning for Life education develops the qualities, attributes and confidence students need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.

An integral part of our intent is that this curriculum will:

  • Provide a structure in which sensitive discussions can take place (e.g. Relationship Education);
  • Prepare students for puberty, to give them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene;
  • Help students develop feelings of confidence, self-respect and empathy;
  • Create a positive culture around issues of sexuality, relationships, equality and culture;
  • Teach students the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies;
  • Provide our students with information that helps them to support The King’s School ethos and value the King’s School family;
  • Help prepare students for key transition points and ambitious career routes;
  • Engage students in important issues which are age appropriate. 


The Learning for Life curriculum is based on three core themes:

  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Relationships
  • Living in the Wider World

Detailed schemes of work with suitable resources are provided by the Head of Department.  Learning for Life and RSE is delivered by a dedicated team of staff during a one-hour-fifteen-minute lesson every other week as part of the school timetable.  The lessons form part of the Scheme of Learning which are sequenced through the topic pathways allowing for progression of knowledge.

The Learning for Life curriculum is taught to all students in all years throughout the school. The curriculum has been carefully sequenced and considers:

  • The importance of topics that support key transitional points in a child’s journey (for example, Year 7 begins with a transition unit whilst Year 9 considers future careers in the build up to GCSE option choices, and Year 10 considers Finance in the build up to work experience);
  • Opportunities to deepen knowledge of a particular issue by revisiting and building upon key knowledge (for example, relationships are discussed in Year 7 through self-worth and friendships], Year 8  through gender identity and Year 9 through respectful relationships);
  • Topics which are age appropriate (for example, the risk of alcohol spiking in Year 12 which is scheduled in the build up to the Christmas holidays).

Supporting the taught curriculum is a series of weekly assemblies and presentations that students access as they progress through the school. Assemblies are led by a combination of senior leaders, the school chaplain, teachers, outside speakers, agencies or by students themselves.  The assemblies run on a weekly theme basis which aims to link and compliment the taught programme. Examples include:

  • Diversity (Black History Month)
  • Sexual Consent
  • Mental Health
  • Internet Safety
  • Remembrance Sunday
  • Gideon’s Talk
  • Personal Safety
  • Environment

As part of our ethos, the ‘King’s Family’ is very important and we encourage all our students to contribute fully to this by playing their part in our family community.  Below are ways in which students learn this through:

  • A member of one of the four School houses;
  • A member of the Student Council;
  • Student surveys;
  • Participate in school performances or teams;
  • Mentor other students;
  • Part of a charity event;
  • Prefect, Head Girl/Boy, House Captain;
  • Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

RSE is taught within our Learning for Life curriculum. The Science department teaches the biological aspects through its curriculum and RS teach other aspects such as ethics and morals.

SEN and vulnerable students are taught in the mainstream lessons with extra support and adapted learning.  The students also have extra support from our Learning Support Department and our Pastoral Support Offices at each Key Stage.


Successful implementation of our Learning for Life and RSE Curriculum will result in:

  • Students who value our ethos and contribute positively to our community;
  • Students who know where and who to get support from when they have difficulties or concerns;
  • Students who feel safe at the King’s School;
  • Students who have broadened their knowledge of life skills.

The impact will be measured by a quality assurance process that investigates the coherence of delivery across each year group. The Heads of Department responsible for leading the LFL and RSE curriculum will annually review the topics and ensure resources and issues are up-to-date.  The School Governors and Head of School will review the RSE policy every two years to ensure continuity and up-to-date issues are included.

Department Staff

Miss I Kouser (IK): Head of Learning for Life Department